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“Sacco – Urban Living the Asian Way” at National Design Centre

Sacco Urban Living the Asian Way at National Design Centre Banner Image

A Finale to Sacco’s 50th Anniversary by Zanotta and W. Atelier, Supported by Design Singapore Council

9 July 2019, Singapore – W. Atelier, together with Zanotta and supported by DesignSingapore Council (Dsg), bids farewell to Sacco’s 50th anniversary project with a design showcase of the iconic bean bag chair at the National Design Centre. A commemorative project that has been one year in the making, the finale is a display of the 10 shortlisted Sacco chairs and the journeys of the local designers that have resulted in their creation. Titled “Sacco – Urban Living the Asian Way”, members of the public are free to drop by the exhibition that opens from 5 to 28 July 2019.

The 10 shortlisted designers whose Saccos are displayed are:

  2. Gabriel Tan, Gabriel Tan Studio
  3. Imran Othman
  4. Jarrod Lim, Jarrod Lim Design
  5. Karyn Lim
  6. Rockett Studio Pte Ltd
  7. Studio Juju
  8. Super Fat Designs
  9. Tiffany Loy
  10. tizumuka

After winning over a panel of judges comprising Zanotta, W. Atelier and Dsg with their proposed creative spin on the Sacco chair, Jarrod Lim, Karyn Lim and Tiffany Loy’s intricate and masterful designs emerged as the top three winners. Their Saccos were transported to Milan Design Week 2019 and displayed at the Zanotta showroom in Piazza XXV Aprile where guests were especially intrigued by the Asian element infused in the chairs. They are reunited with the other shortlisted designs back home and are showcased along with their designers’ own body of works.

Mr Gani Atmadiredja, Managing Director of W. Atelier, shares: “It has been a stellar collaboration with Zanotta and Dsg to not only put the spotlight on the iconic Sacco chair, but also on our local designers who deserve to be seen on the world stage.”

“It has been a fruitful collaboration for Dsg with W. Atelier and Zanotta for the Sacco bean bag design showcase. To have 10 top designs return to the National Design Centre is a fitting way to round up our participation in Sacco’s 50th anniversary. As a centrally-located public space, the National Design Centre is an excellent platform for Singaporeans and tourists alike to get acquainted with unique Singapore design, and to better understand the impact of good design on our daily lives. For this exhibition in particular, visitors would be able to – literally – get up close and comfortable with the creations of our designers,” says Mr Mark Wee, Executive Director, Design Singapore Council.

As Sacco closes in on its 50+1 Anniversary, it remains a firm favourite in pop culture, having earned a place in more than a few permanent collections of contemporary art in Europe; from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, to the Victoria & Albert Museum of London and the Triennale Design Museum in Milan.

“Sacco – Urban Living the Asian Way” is held at the National Design Centre, Design Gallery 1, Level 1, from 5 – 28 July at 9am to 9pm. National Design Centre is located at 111 Middle Road, Singapore 188969.

Sacco's by the 10 Shortlisted Designers

  • Sacco Designer - Imran Othman
  • Sacco Designer - Tiffany Loy
  • Sacco Designer - DAZINGFEELSGOOD
  • Sacco Designer - Gabriel Tan
  • Sacco Designer - Jarrod Lim
  • Sacco Designer - Karyn Lim
  • Sacco Designer - Rockett Studio
  • Sacco Designer - Juju
  • Sacco Designer - Super Fat Designs
  • Sacco Designer - tizumuka

NDC x Sacco Set-up

  • NDC x Sacco Setup 1
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 2
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 3
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 4
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 5
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 6
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 7
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 8
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 9
  • NDC x Sacco Setup 10